donjon$507119$ - translation to greek
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donjon$507119$ - translation to greek

Donjon (RPG)

n. οχυρά κρύπτη πύργου


¦ verb (past and past participle kept)
1. have or retain possession of.
retain or reserve for use in the future.
put or store in a regular place.
(of a perishable commodity) remain in good condition.
2. continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, position, or activity: keep away from the edge|she kept quiet about it.
3. provide for the sustenance of.
own and look after (an animal).
[as adjective kept] supported financially in return for sexual favours.
4. delay or detain; cause to be late.
5. honour or fulfil (a commitment or undertaking).
observe or pay due regard to (a law, custom, or religious occasion).
6. regularly make entries in (a diary).
write down as (a record): keep a note of each item.
¦ noun
1. food, clothes, and other essentials for living.
2. archaic charge; control.
3. the strongest or central tower of a castle.
for keeps informal permanently; indefinitely.
Phrasal verbs
keep at (or keep someone at) persist (or force someone to persist) with.
keep from (or keep someone from) avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something.
keep something from
1. cause something to remain a secret from (someone).
2. cause something to stay out of: she couldn't keep the dismay from her voice.
keep someone from guard or protect someone from.
keep off avoid encroaching on.
?avoid consuming: the first thing was to keep off alcohol.
?avoid (a topic).
keep on continue to do something.
keep on about speak about (something) repeatedly.
keep on at Brit. harass with constant requests.
keep someone/thing on continue to use or employ someone or something.
keep to
1. avoid leaving (a path, road, or place).
2. adhere to (a schedule).
3. observe (a promise).
4. confine or restrict oneself to.
keep up move or progress at the same rate as someone or something else.
keep up with
1. learn about or be aware of (current events or developments).
2. continue to be in contact with (someone).
3. meet a regular commitment to pay or do (something).
keep something up continue a course of action.
keepable adjective
OE cepan 'seize, take in', also 'care for, attend to', of unknown origin.


Donjon (role-playing game)

Donjon (French for "keep") is an independently published role-playing game by Clinton R. Nixon, published by Anvilwerks.